8:20 The impact of alcoholism and genetic vulnerability

13:15 How to know if you’re sugar sensitive

“There’s an emotional attachment to different types of foods.”

16:25 How sugar affects different people

21:46 The three headed monster of sugar sensitivity

29:56 Symptoms of sugar sensitivities and how food can heal them

40:26 The problem with low carb diets and sugar sensitive people

“If you change your biochemistry there is no guilt.”

49:33 Food and authenticity

“Good food restores hope and washes away despair.”

1:05:20 Kathleen’s top three tips to start recovering from sugar addiction

“Addiction is a disease of isolation.”


Radiant Recovery

Meet Kathleen 

“Potatoes Not Prozac: Simple Solutions for Sugar Addiction” Kathleen DesMaisons PhD 

Music by bensound