Today on Feminine Roadmap Andrew Wittman empowers us to upgrade out inner armor by becoming the CEO of you. Andrew asks us to consider our inner board of directors- body, mind and emotions- then ask who is in charge here? The chink in our inner armor comes when our emotions are in charge, when we live from our emotional state we are more reactive and less disciplined. Updating our inner armor starts with putting your mind in the leadership role then dominate your body, get your fitness and food under control and the emotions will become more stabilized and aligned with your goals in life. Andrew emphasizes that there is power in our thoughts, knowing who you are , who you want to be and accepting yourself. In order to upgrade your inner armor it’s important to know your own values so you can move forward rooted and grounded not searching and lost. Join in on this practical and life changing conversation with Andrew, just grab a cuppa something wonderful and treat yourself to an upgrade of your inner armor.


4:28 The power of your thoughts

“Electromagnetically, biophysically, the thoughts that you think actually dictate what your outcome is.”

12:00 “Becoming the CEO of you with body, mind, and emotions as your board of directors

“If you don’t know who you are you’ll never be rooted and grounded, you’ll be tossed to and fro in life every time a storm comes.”

21:18 The need for self-acceptance

33:12 The problem with complaining

44:31 Dealing with difficult people

53:47 Andrew’s key takeaways

“The human brain is the original search engine- it has to answer a question.”


“Ground Zero Leadership: CEO of You”  Andrew Wittman

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