Today guest Allana Pratt sheds light on how to find love successfully after heartbreak. Allana wants listeners to be able to come home to feel safe, seen and connected with themselves and others. Her goal is to help us thrive after heartbreak so that we can love and trust again after heartbreak. The work that Allana does centers on helping people understand and appreciate the challenges they’ve experienced so that they can learn, grow and thrive because of those challenges. When we are able to transform our traumas and heartbreak into the wind beneath our wings then we can begin to shift the negative impacts of those experiences. One of the ways Allana talks about today is recognizing the cycle of guilt and shame that puts us at risk to experience heartbreak again. She encourages listeners to learn to sit in the fire, face our wounds in order to gain strength, wisdom and courage as we work through them. Allana talks about learning to integrate our wounds in order to begin to open up our hearts so that we can authentically define ourselves and attract our ideal partner. Wounds attract wounds so doing the work of opening our hearts actually positively impacts our brain function and intuition enabling us to heal and begin to find the one who compliments us instead of constantly looking for completion. As we embrace the journey as the destination and transform our triggers into teachers then we can heal. Before you know it unexpected miracles will shower life from that wholeness as we continue to do the worthy and powerful work as a lifestyle. Allana reminds us that we must become the one to find the one which will enable us to keep the one that is right for us. Grab a cuppa something wonderful, a girlfriend and listen to learn from this amazing conversation.


“Finding the One is BS, Becoming the One is Brilliant and Beautiful”  Allana Pratt

Music by bensound