Today on Feminine Roadmap Gina’s guest, Dr. Rana Al-Falaki is calling all women who want to do and be more. Dr. Rana believes we spend our lives wanting and forget to actually be. Our distractions become massive and we put everyone before our selves so we forget who we are and what our dreams are. She wants women who want to do and be more to know it is possible to achieve and resonate on a higher level. One of the key elements of doing and being more is to retain our energy by being the same in every situation, no longer changing ourselves to suit others. The immense value of knowing who we are and what we believe about ourselves and our world is the foundation of us doing and being more of who we truly are. Dr. Rana shares strategies to overcome powerlessness and anger and shift into gratitude and acceptance. Armed with the knowledge that whatever we tell ourselves triggers our feelings so in order to do and be more we must also shift our inner dialogue, let go of attachments and allow ourselves to be guided. As women we empower ourselves to do and be more as we recognize we have a choice, we don’t have to remain stuck and by releasing our attachments as can move forward. This powerful episode is waiting for you so grab a cuppa something wonderful and join us.


5:08 Dr. Rana’s personal journey

13:16 A powerful journaling activity to identify your strengths

“The easiest way for us to not have our energy drained is to be the same person in every situation and yet often we don’t. We wear different outfits, different masks, different hats, however you want to look at it and that in itself becomes an energy drain.”

18:58 The importance of doing the work of knowing who you are

25:21 The different levels of energy and power

33:36 What strategies can help you set healthy boundaries?

“What is really, really important to you because once you establish that it’s from that area you can begin to create those boundary lines because it’s about what’s important to you… what are you prepared to tolerate versus what are you not prepared to tolerate then let’s find a middle ground.”

37:40 How setting boundaries is actually helpful

45:33 Learning to find acceptance through surrender

“Turn your affirmations into questions: What do I need to fell confident? What do I need to feel worthy? Because if you keep asking the questions, the answer will drop in.”

52:33 Dr. Rana’s key takeaways


“Women Who Want More: How to Create a Balanced and Fulfilled Life” by Dr. Rana Al Falaki

Music by bensound