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Today on Feminine Roadmap Gina and Donna share how to go from whining to winning. So often as women we get into the habit of complaining and whining about our lives, our circumstances, our marriages, our children, and a myriad of other things. On this episode the discussion helps women navigate our perspectives on life and how to turn them around, how to become more aware of our habits and what it takes to change them. In order for women to go from whining to winning, we must learn to separate the truth from the lies, the stories from the reality and initiate the changes necessary to live a winning life. Once we have created a more winning mindset we can turn out setbacks into comebacks! Grab a cuppa something wonderful, a good friend and join in on this powerful and life changing conversation, you’ll be so glad you did!

3:53 First step in changing your perspective
6:06 What could interruptions actually be for?
8:27 How to see setbacks as learning tools
9:21 Do we have a choice in how we respond?
12:25 How does self-talk influence our perspective?
13:49 The role of faith
17:04 The power of the thoughts we think
19:11 Why is change so challenging?
21:36 Donna issues a conversation challenge
23:30 Take care in choosing confidants
25:31 Are your stories your pets?
28:18 Separating the truth from the lies
31:!7 Are you happy being the person you are right now?
32:34 The way to turn a setback into a comeback
36:52 The challenge and reward of change
39:18 What is life coaching and how does it help?
41:13 Awareness: paying attention to what we say
44:44 What sets humans apart from the rest of creation?
48:33 What do marble sculptures and challenges have to do with each other?
51:08 Our choice
57:11 Feminine Roadmap’s logo and the vision

“Switch on Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health” Dr Carolyn Leaf
“Man’s Search for Meaning” Dr. Viktor Frankl – Subject line Donna coach OR Gina coach