Today on Feminine Roadmap, Gina and Donna talk about what to do when all hell breaks loose. Life has a way of sometimes feeling like all the wheels are falling off at once and we find ourselves overwhelmed, frustrated and ready to quit. We have all been there and you can choose a different path when all hell breaks loose. Tune into today’s episode to hear how to handle things differently, how to shift your mindset and turn things around. If all hell is breaking loose in your life or a friends, grab a cuppa of something wonderful and that friend then tune in to get some encouragement and helpful tools. Join us and get those wheels put back on!

7:53 What good can you latch on to?
12:59 Clarify and courage exercise
16:55 Making the shift to “What CAN I do?”
21:57 Questioning the always mindset
23:53 When God created a woman poem
27:17 A woman’s strength
32:56 Identifying brain patterns
37:20 How to create change
39:50 The Feminine Roadmap mission