Today on Feminine Roadmap Gina introduces us to Meredith Atwood, 4X Ironman triathlete, author and coach as she shares her journey to a year of no nonsense. Meredith candidly shares her personal story of dealing with darkness, addiction and people pleasing. Focusing on the mantra that “forward is a pace”, she found herself beginning to shift her story, overcome her addiction to alcohol, and bringing her process to the page as the author of two books. Meredith stands by the idea that if you want to change your life you have to take action to do it and you can’t expect the world to join you. Everyday is the first day of the rest of your life so grab a cuppa something wonderful, a girlfriend and start today by tuning in to hear this empowering story of finding your year of no nonsense.

2:56 The shift that started her life change
“Forward is a pace- it doesn’t matter the speed.”
11:10 Rewards, celebrations and changing our internal dialogue
16:55 Facing alcohol and finding sobriety
22:25 The Year of No Nonsense starts with asking the right questions
29:28 Conversations on addictions and unpacking them
“Life is a failure battleground.”
38:45 Pinpointing people pleasing nonsense and giving ourselves permission
46:46 How to try a week of no nonsense and ask the right questions
55:52 Final takeaways
“Triathalon for the Every Woman” by Meredith Atwood  
The Same 24 Hours podcast
IG : @swimbikemom  
Music by bensound