Today on Feminine Roadmap guest Lydia Dean, co-founder of, shares how she learned to listen to her inner voice and how that dramatically changed the trajectory of her family’s life. Lydia, now in midlife, looks back over her 20 year journey and brings practical steps to help us learn how to listen to our inner voice aside from the external pressures and expectations. She encourages listeners to take a courageous journey, one that may be difficult, different, uncomfortable and most likely unknown. Instead she challenges us with, “Don’t accept not knowing as an excuse for not doing.” While everyone’s journey is different and the paths we take are nothing alike, she points us to listen to our inner voice and break the barriers between the life we’re living and the life that could be truer to who we are. Sure taking this journey to heed that inner voice, follow your dreams and life path might bring up fear and vulnerability but Lydia asks us to ask ourselves a couple of key questions, “Why should I fly beneath my radar? What am I holding back on?” We are not asked to figure it all out at step one, just take the first step you can see. The first step? Grab a cuppa something wonderful and listen in as Lydia shares practical strategies and real life examples of how those strategies may look. Heed your inner voice and click play, we’ll meet you there!


Lydia’s story begins in her 20’s having all of the “right” elements of success- the right home, two children, a great husband, her husband had a thriving business and she had a great job but she didn’t feel happy in fact she was dissatisfied. Lydia felt guilty for not being “happy” with the life she had and wrestled with the inner voice that told her there was something more for her to accomplish. Always fascinated with the caretakers of the world like Ghandi and Mother Teresa, she began to reconnect with that without knowing where it would lead. She rediscovered to travel and to truth seek, eventually uprooting their lives in the US and moving to France. For seven years they unlayered all of the expectations they laid on themselves and began to understand how the rest of the world lives. Lydia followed what she calls the crumb path- those little hints along the way that showed her the next steps to take- toward building a social enterprise to connect with and support those who serve the underserved around the world. After 15-20 years of following the crumb path and stepping into the unknown, both she and her husband had rediscovered and reconnected with their true passions. Lydia’s story reminds us that even when you’re scared or feel clueless you will find that it’s all ok, possibilities come in the questions and the willingness to consider the “what ifs”. She encourages listeners to just dig in and let the story unfold, to lean into the fear, vulnerability and humility of the process. Developing the skill of learning to listen to your inner voice is key to changing the trajectory of your life. Grab a cuppa something wonderful, sit with a friend and be listen to your own inner voice as you follow the crumb path.


“Jumping the Picket Fence” Lydia Dean

“How to Find Purpose in Your Pause” on You Tube 

Music by bensound