Today on Feminine Roadmap Victoria Price, daughter of the beloved Vincent Price, encourages listeners to live from joy not fear. Her father left her a legacy of unconditional love and through sharing that legacy with his fans she found herself reconnecting with that love and the joy it brought back into her life. She believes that in being willing to get lost to all that things that we “should be” allows us to relearn to listen to our hearts, practicing who we are on the inside leads us back to a life of joy and love away from the power of fear. Just as a child finds joy in the pure and simple delight of being alive as we practice mindfully connecting daily with the world around us, we begin to shift out of fear to love and joy. Being willing to clear the fear over and over again changing our relationship with the stories and triggers we have long been controlled by helps us spiral up to the place of love and joy. During these unique times of worldwide quarantine and emotional unrest, this episode is a place to sit with a cuppa something wonderful and get that internal hug you need from Victoria’s heart to yours.


3:46 How the Vincentennial of her father altered her course

“Fear is nothing except if we buy the subscription.”

18:48 Identifying fear triggers

33:25 Clearing fear with the joy equation

44:17 Approaching life from the heart

“Fear gets our ear in all kinds of ways.”

59:57 Victoria’s 3 key takeaways

“We stop being past thinkers or forward worriers and we just think and be and live and lean and are right here now in the power of love – that’s a game changer.”


“The Way of Being Lost”  Victoria Price

“Living Love: 12 Heart Centered Practices” Victoria Price

“Three Unexpected Words That Can Transform Your Life” YouTube conversation with Victoria Price 

Music by bensound