This week on Feminine Roadmap we dig deep into the podcast archive for a timely message on shining your light during dark times. During this unprecedented time in history many people have found themselves in dark times, isolation, social unrest, familial separation and many different kinds of loss. Gina looked back into the Feminine Roadmap archives to bring a conversation from the past that is right on time for 2020. So much has filled the news, social media and even email boxes with negative news. In times like these we need to be able to lift our eyes and look for the shards of light around us. It’s important for our mental and emotional health that we turn toward light away from dark. How do we make the shift away from dark to light? Recognizing that we have a choice where we focus, even if circumstances are challenging there is always something good to be found. If we want to shine our light in a dark world we have stay out of the shadows. We cannot entertain negative thoughts and inputs, we have to discipline ourselves to find the good. Times like these require an extra measure of grace and compassion for ourselves and others. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by all of what feels negative, grab a cuppa something wonderful and listen to this episode. Together let’s put our focus on where the light shines in our lives and in the lives of those around us. We can light up the world by shining our lights together!