Today on Feminine Roadmap Gina joins team at The Back Forty to talk about the power of your second half. Darrell Gurney and his wife Alexandra Levin are on a mission to create a movement to shift the cultural conversation about midlife. They believe the second half of life (aka the back forty) has unlimited growth potential if you shake off what general society has to say about midlife and beyond.

“Society tells us there’s this bell curve that after 40, 50 or 60 you’re on the downside with all of your best behind you,” said Darrell. “But what if those years were research and development? Those years are to bring you to your midlife fully equipped to be all you were meant to be and your biggest game is yet to come!”

Alexandra adds that “the future is bright ahead, the possibilities are infinite. There isn’t anything stopping us from doing and being our best especially if we mine from everything we’ve done before and learn from it, grow from it.”

The Back Forty has a framework of seven embraces that we take on which empower those of us in midlife and beyond to build a better future. Using these embraces we can shift our perspective from midlife crisis to midlife opportunity. How do we do that? By analyzing our first half we can see the direction it’s pointed us in to initiate ourselves powerfully into our second half.

One key to that initiation is to shift from being at the mercy of life and stepping into being the cause of your life, the one in the drivers’ seat. The Back Forty is focused on helping midlifers live a life that expands instead of shrinking. It’s their mission to empower us to give ourselves permission to play instead of hustle and grind or stop progressing all together. The Back Forty inspires a whole new mindset that life is ever escalating, an upward trending experience playing bigger and bigger games. Darrell asks us to consider, “What if your biggest game is yet to come?”

Join us to hear about how to come from a beginners mindset, to pursue play, to shed limitations and pursue growth that creates vibrancy and purpose. The Back Forty wants you to know that you are not limited at all, all things are possible, it’s time to play! Grab a cuppa something wonderful and hit play!


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Music by bensound