So this is 54… Gina reflects on what 54 years of living has taught her. Life has been an adventure, a journey, a challenge, a mystery, and so it continues. As Gina ponders,”So this is 54,” she also draws lessons and perspectives that can empower life right now. Living life is a gift and when it is lived by degrees then we can build a life that we enjoy and can be proud of. So the question is: “What can you do?” Our age is just a marker along the road of life not a definition, our age allows us to chronicle who we’ve become, what we’ve done and where we’ve been so that we can chart a course for the next part of this journey called life. So many of us have accomplished so much that we don’t give ourselves credit for. Birthdays are a great time to reflect on the life we’ve lived so far and to consider: what can we do going forward? Life is lived in the moments, the daily decisions and actions we take so what can we do by degrees to make our midlife our best life?

So this is 54 is Gina’s starting point. What is your starting point? What can you do to make this next day, week, month, year the best one yet? Remember what you have already accomplished so far and know that YES YOU CAN do the next thing- not all at once, not perfectly, but just by degrees. Go ahead, grab a cuppa something wonderful, join Gina and get ready to start rocking your midlife.


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