Today on Feminine Roadmap we are talking about a holistic approach to healing co-dependency with Mary Joye.

As a recovering co-dependent Mary brings a great sense of compassion to the conversation around healing co-dependency. There is no judgement, there are strategies to help create awareness to ways we might be functioning co=dependently and how to begin to heal. Mary also talks about trauma bonds, psychological as well as physiological responses, that can help bring understanding to what is behind our co-dependent behaviors.

One of the powerful tools is connecting the dots between the past and present, the overarching patterns that emerge. She also defines co-dependency and explains the difference between servanthood and servitude. Servanthood is being of service and comes from your own sense of compassion whereas servitude is placed upon you putting you in a place of constant service (think Cinderella).  Mary encourages recovering co-dependents that boundaries are not meant to keep people out but rather to keep us safe and healthy.

In this episode she talks honestly about the journey of healing from co-dependency, the reality of relapsing into old habits from time to time. The powerful part is that healing is possible as we go through the steps to embrace, replace and erase the co-dependent habits using the steps Mary teaches. If you or someone you know needs this conversation, please invite them to listen with you. Grab a cuppa something wonderful and start the healing journey today! If it helps you, please subscribe, rate and share this episode! Thank you!


Codependency, Discovery and Recovery 2.0: A Holistic Approach to Healing and Freeing Yourself”  Mary Joye

Music by bensound