Today on Feminine Roadmap we are talking about when women rise with Dr. Michele Kambolis.

Dr. Kambolis shares everyday practices with us to strengthen our minds, bodies and souls. This conversation gives us a roadmap to look at our lives and come home to our best state of being by changing our internal habits. As we do that, we are able to rise and live in a way that is unlimited. When we are mired in and struggle with fear and anxiety, what do we do? We need to learn to metabolize and release those inner conditions and habits that get in the way of our well being. 

As women we rise as we begin to deconstruct what is no longer true or serving us and shift to healthier thinking and doing. Dr. Kambolis addresses the culture of competition and comparison that we live in. She feels it is really important to remind ourselves that this is not because we are not enough or not trying hard enough or somehow we don’t have the same edge as everyone else. The reality is that we all struggle.

Dr. Kambolis wants to help women rise from that world of competition and comparison to self compassion and self awareness. She reminds us that how we envision our lives become the threads we weave our life with. When we live in choice, sovereignty and agency in our lives we rise. When we do not exercise that we create our own suffering. If you want to learn some tools and strategies that will help you rise, join us.

Grab a cuppa something wonderful, a good friend and listen in on this empowering conversation. Please remember to subscribe, rate and share this podcast. Thank you!


IG: @michelekambolis

“When Women Rise: Everyday Practices to Strengthen Your Mind, Body and Soul”  Dr. Michele Kambolis

Matt Killingworth Ted Talk, mindfulness app and global research

Music by bensound