Happy New Year 2022 from Feminine Roadmap podcast!

This week are back with a new year’s conversation about how we can begin to create the life we want each day. This isn’t your every year conversation about new year’s resolutions, goal setting or even vision boards.

There are all kinds of studies on how few people keep their new year’s resolutions past January so if that is true, what can we do to create intention and focus each new year? I’m so glad you asked!

In this episode I share my process of using one word to use as my North star each year and how that helps me to be intentional in every area of my life. Explorers and travelers have used the North Star for centuries as a navigational tool and we can create our own North Star.

Sometimes we just need one thing to give us a focus, a purpose or a direction to head. This year I’d like to encourage you to consider choosing one word, no bells or whistles, just write it down and keep it in front of you all year. Look at that word and gage your decisions by it, how you spend your time.

What’s my North Star this year? One word and one question: CREATE – what do I want to create in my life today? That’s it, creating my life one step at a time with intention. Won’t you join me? Grab a cuppa something wonderful and a soul sister and let’s chat together.


Music by Bensound