Today on Feminine Roadmap we are talking about the Great Weight Dilemma with best selling author, celebrity trainer and health documentarian Vinnie Tortorich.

Vinnie has been helping people with their fitness and health for over 40 years. He has produced and directed 3 powerful documentaries: “Fat: A Documentary”, “Fat: A Documentary 2”, and “Beyond Impossible”. His outspoken views about the inaccuracy of the food pyramid, the truth about carbs and the overwhelming sugar addiction in America has caused him to be shadow banned on social media outlets and erased from Wikipedia.

Vinnie is unapologetic about the state of our union when it comes to what we’ve been told about what a balanced diet is. After writing and self-publishing his book “Fitness Confidential”, he realized that there was some information that he wished he had included. As a result, he created a 25 page guide called “The NSNG PDF” that lays out a lifestyle that leads to better health.

His goal is to move people away from morbid obesity and toward metabolically balanced, healthy bodies. Vinnie covers hormones, lifestyle, and the impact of our food choices on our overall health.

If you’re tired of wading through all the fads, quick fixes and false information then this episode is for you! Join us for this powerful, enlightening and life changing conversation. Grab a cuppa something wonderful and be prepared to be blown away.


Free NSNG pdf

Vinnie’s documentaries

“Fat: A Documentary”

“Fat: A Documentary 2”

“Beyond Impossible”

Music by bensound