Today on Feminine Roadmap we are exploring grief and happiness with Emily Thiroux Threatt.

Loss is no stranger to Emily and she knows it isn’t to most others so she helps others navigate grief. People can carry a lot of guilt around loss because they think they didn’t do more or do it soon enough. Emily feels that it is important to take the time to deal with what you’re feeling, with what you need to do. She encourages listeners to get settled with things, say what needs to be said to whomever it needs to be said to. It’s very important to have the conversations you need to have with as much grace and kindness as possible.

Grief happens because we have experienced love so it’s ok to face it, to feel it, to honor the journey. When it happens to someone you care about, there are some ideas shared in this episode that will empower you to show up in a helpful, compassionate way. We know that grieving can be a complex process and it differs from person to person but we can do it well.

If you are grieving or know someone who is, please grab a cuppa something wonderful and join us. It’s ok to take the time to take really good care of yourself. You are here, you’re important and we’re here for you.
Grief and Happiness podcast
“Loving and Living Your Way Through Grief: A Comprehensive Guide to Reclaiming and Cultivating Joy and Carrying on in the Face of Loss”  Emily Thiroux Threatt
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