Today on Feminine Roadmap guest Fran Garton shares strategies on how to live pain free.

Fran is a pain reduction coach who teaches people how to live pain free. She approaches pain from every aspect of our lives- emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. When we are able to step back and take inventory of our whole selves and address each of those pieces, we are empowered to begin to live pain free.

Pain is a multifaceted phenomenon that happens in our bodies and we teach our bodies how to deal with it. She believes that there is no reason for anyone to live in chronic pain. There are so many tools and strategies she teaches that we can implement that are simple to do.

Traditionally we are taught that if you have chronic pain you just have to accept it or that you will have to accept pain as a part of the aging process. In this episode Fran introduces strategies that can help you control pain instead of letting it control you. She covers inflammatory foods, internal and external stressors, as well as the traumas our bodies hold on to.

This conversation will shift your paradigm around living with pain and the possibility of living pain free. Grab a cuppa something wonderful and join us for this incredible conversation.
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“The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel Van Der Kolk
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For more information about the impact of sugar, addiction and the body:
check out episode #112 “Simple Solutions for Sugar Addiction”