Today on Feminine Roadmap we are getting inspired by tales from an untamed soul, Alise Saunders.

Alise shares her journey from overworked, stressed corporate worker to digital nomad. One day she woke up to the realization that her life wasn’t what she thought it would be, a life punctuated with an MS diagnosis. Between her loss of joy and her loss of health, she decided she had to make a change.

She encourages listeners to stop waiting for this magical moment to finally start living the life you dream of. We are always manifesting our future through our thoughts and belief systems because they create our actions. Alise is passionate about deconstructing those limiting belief systems and beginning to take baby steps starting today.

While most of us live from a place of safety and fear, freedom is actually on the other side of those things that scare us. She cautions that our repetitive cycles of fear are limiting us from getting in touch with and creating our most powerful self. Once we redefine safety the we are able to pivot and begin to figure things out.

There isn’t a step by step guidebook to your most amazing life, it’s a step by step journey taken daily with intention and curiosity. If you feel the call to live passionately, freely, as though anything is possible- this episode is for you.

If you are on the fence feeling uncertain, this episode is for you too. Grab a cuppa something wonderful and join us for this incredibly motivating conversation.

Consultation Discount Offer: Book a FREE 15 minute session with me, and get 20% off one paid session; a savings of $25
Beliefs Course Discount: Transform your beliefs and become your most powerful self. Save 20% off this course with code TRIBE; a savings of $59
FREE E-book: How to Become a Digital Nomad- Working While You Travel
FREE Destination Guides
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