Today on Feminine Roadmap: Pursuing your third act quest with Diana Place.

Diana is on a mission to reframe how we view aging and life after 50 by inspiring and supporting women to reimagine the decades ahead. Those decades are the opportunity to create third act lives of joy, meaning and purpose. This season of life isn’t the time to step back or withdraw, it is time to expand, thrive, and create your best life.

As we approach the “midlife” years we are often faced with paradigms that we may not have fully understood that take up residence in our belief systems. The beauty of it all is that just because we have a limiting belief about aging does not mean that we are limited, we can choose a different mindset and outcome.

We have been handed longevity, we are living 30 years longer than our great grandmothers. Another way to look at it is that we have lived one adult life from 18-48 years old, now we have an entire new adult life to live from 48-78 years old or maybe even longer. Diana believes this is a gift we each get to unwrap by prioritizing our time and holding a space for our dreams.

Many women in midlife feel this yearning for something akin to meaning, purpose, a craving for new, different experiences. Diana wants listeners to consider that your third act quest is your time and it’s your duty to let your dreams come to the surface in this season. She encourages you to tap into that inner GP, to follow it and that inner knowing that comes with it.

What is that tickling in your soul that is calling to you? What in your life is pulling you forward? What is seeking to breakthrough the soil of your life and grow? Don’t let your gift remain unwrapped because others need it more than you know. It doesn’t need to take a disruption to move you in a new direction it can be a decision. So what decision will you make?

Grab a cuppa something wonderful, join Diana and I for this inspiring conversation about unfolding our third act quest.


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