Today on Feminine Roadmap we are learning some lessons from centenarian Lucille who lived until 103.

Judy Gaman, author and best friend of Lucille weaves a tale of joy and adventure. Judy met Lucille as a subject for her book “Aged to Perfection” on how to live to 100. Now she believes that everyone needs a Lucille in their life.  That one meeting lead to a 4 year friendship that changed both of their lives in the most wonderful ways. Judy gives us a special seat to those precious years in this episode.

One of the most profound impacts for Judy, a self- proclaimed workaholic, was how she spent her time. Lucille taught her many things about perspective, enjoying life, loving people, and having faith. Judy ended up writing “Love, Life and Lucille” as a tribute to their friendship.

Please grab a cuppa something wonderful because you are going to love this sweet journey.


Lucille Fleming on YouTube

“Love, Life and Lucille”  Judy Gaman

Music by bensound